A plant-based diet is more than just eating veggies. Instead, plant-based meals include avoiding animal products. Animals and their byproducts, such as meat, eggs, and dairy, should be avoided in favor of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. The diet also forbids the consumption of sweets and oil. Are you considering switching to a more plant-based diet? Here are some benefits of a plant-based diet for older adults that can help you live a longer and more vibrant life.
Think with Clarity
People who eat a plant-based diet say their thoughts are sharper. Chickpeas, cauliflower, and broccoli offer brain-boosting qualities that help us think more clearly. Plant-based diets also assist to suppress cortisol, which is linked to stress and reduces the risk of cognitive illnesses including dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Stronger Immunity
A high animal-based diet is connected to greater levels of cholesterol and chronic illness, and excessive dairy consumption has been linked to an increased risk of cancer. Plant-based diets can be used as a treatment to minimize the number of medical visits in older adults who are fighting any of these ailments.
Consuming beans instead of meat for your daily protein helps to decrease cholesterol. Including protein from plants such as broccoli and kale boosts the disease-fighting mineral calcium. Plant-based diets not only cut your chances of heart disease and cancer, but they also help reverse their progression. Plant-based diets have been shown to slow the growth of some diseases to which you may have been exposed during your life.
Better Sleep
Almonds, kale, sweet potatoes, and bananas provide magnesium, tryptophan, and vitamin B6, which raise melatonin levels and encourage a healthy sleep cycle. Better sleep also lowers the risk of heart attacks, diabetes, and hypertension among older adults.
Higher Energy Level
Switching to a plant-based diet gives older adults greater energy to finish tasks and raise their daily activity levels. Digestion is connected to energy, and because plant-based foods are simpler to digest than dairy and meat, you will have more energy throughout the day.
Certain foods, such as whole grains, quinoa, and almonds, offer stimulating properties that help you feel more energized. Plant-based diets can help the elderly live a longer, happier life since greater activity and frequent walks are related to resistance to falls, enhanced balance, and more happiness.
Look Younger
Older adults who transition to a plant-based diet report better skin. This is due to the fact that plant-based antioxidants eliminate free radicals from the skin, which slows down premature aging. Plant-based meals assist to mend and hydrate skin tissue, allowing you to feel and appear younger.
Choose Regency Pointe
Our Dimensions Health and Fitness program, an all-encompassing senior living wellness program, focuses on emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social, emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Residents have access to a wide choice of holistic health programs and exercise sessions. Our experienced health and wellness team will design a personalized fitness regimen that is tailored to your needs and interests. Here in our retirement community, you can be fulfilled, happy, and active while striving to be your best self!